The Jazz Review, Vol. 2, No. 9 (Oct. 1959)

Part Of: The Jazz Review
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This PDF is a full-text searchable reproduction of the entire issue of this publication with all images, including advertisements.

Table of Contents: 

6 The State of Dixeland
by Dick Hadlock

16 The Style of John Coltrane
by Zita Carno

22 The Blues

23 Ed Lewis' Story
as told to Frank Driggs

26 Introducing Bill Evans
by Nat Hentoff

29 A Letter from Lenox, Mass.
by Martin Williams

33 Early Bebop by Max Harrison
35 Eubie Blake by Guy Waterman
35 Bill Evans by Martin Williams
36 Art Farmer by Glenn Coulter
36 Ed Hall by Guy Waterman
37 John Lee Hooker and
Sticks McGhee
by Chris Strachwitz
38 Milt Jackson by H. A. Woodfin
39 The Modern Jazz Quartet
by Martin Williams
40 Sarah Vaughn
by Martin Williams

42 Francis Newton's The Jazz
Scene by Ernest Borneman

45 Jack Gelber's The Connection
by Hortense Geist

46 Jazz in Print by Nat Hentoff

48 Fletcher Henderson on Records
by Erwin Hersey

50 Woody Herman in Great Britain
by Max Harrison

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